
Showing posts from June, 2017

My Polish/English Views

Hello everyone!       I will be completely honest with you... I have tried my best to write today's entry in Polish; however five sentences in I realised that my Polish was nowhere good enough to create anything decent out of it; therefore I would like to sincerely apologise!  On the other hand, the subject of today's post remains the same; therefore I am going to get right to it! ENJOY!  ♡ ENGLAND versus POLAND       Whenever someone asks me the following question: "What are people like in Poland / What are people like in England?" I always respond with the same answer: they are very similar, yet very different. Why?  Poles just like Brits are very outgoing. Whenever I go for a night out in either country I always feel like I can talk to new people without feeling awkward (well most of the time) nor rejected. All in all, most people in both countries come across very friendly and chatty, which is something I value...